How to present your shop or promotion concept to a landlord?

Space that is suitable for pop-up shops is a finite resource. This is especially true in busy areas such as popular shopping streets. It is important to remember that most landlords get multiple requests from potential tenants to rent their space and competition can be fierce.
Most requests for space are far from inspiring. Many businesses believe they are simply booking the space, rather than selling the landlord on the benefits of picking them. This offers a clear opportunity for those who are willing to put the effort into creating a compelling pitch deck.
In this guide, we are going to provide you with everything you need to know and consider when presenting your shop or promotion concept to a landlord.
Take Your Time & Sell Yourself
Taking time to create a compelling pitch deck will pay dividends in the long run. Even if you already have a great set of slides that have successfully been used to present your concept in the past, putting in a little extra leg work to tailor it to a new opportunity will help show the landlord that you consider their space worth your time and effort.
Although business decisions in the B2B space are primarily based on commercial factors such as financial viability, basic human psychology means that we will always lean favorably towards people we like and get along with. Showing that you really do want the space they are offering and that you are willing to make an effort to secure it is just one way to build a strong relationship with potential landlords.
Keeping good levels of communication and a friendly tone throughout the whole process will also help you build rapport and increase your chances of a successful concept pitch.
Deliver Brand Information
When it comes to delivering your slides it is always a good idea to offer up some information on your brand. Even if you work for a big name that the landlord will likely already know, you can use this opportunity to offer clarity and develop a deeper understanding of your brand.
Make this section engaging and use images and graphics where possible to highlight key facts and information. Here are a few aspects of your brand that you may choose to communicate:
Facts & History
- Who founded the company
- Why they started the company
- When was the company established
- Where was the company established
- Any other interesting information on the history of your brand
- Images and/or videos of your products - especially if they are aesthetically pleasing
- Descriptions of your products
- The ranges that you offer
- Your best selling products - for example, a pie chart showing what percentage of turnover each product accounts for
Where You Sell
For example:
- Direct-to-consumer
- Online
- Retail
- Other pop-ups
- Recent campaigns
- Marketing successes
- Marketing methods used
Brand Characteristics
- Your target audience
- Capabilities
- Your reputation with customers
Unique Selling Points (USPs)
For example:
- Cutting edge technology
- Sustainable products
- Locally made
- Family business
- Long history in making products
Describe How You Will Use the Space
Once you have explained your brand to the landlord it is time to pitch your idea. We have broken down how best to communicate this below:
Your Goal
It is important to communicate exactly what it is you are aiming to get out of running a pop-up shop in a particular space. Although you don't necessarily need to share specific details such as the exact amount of turnover you hope to achieve, you can share more general goals such as:
- To create a buzz around the brand
- To reach a current audience in a new location
- To be noticed by a new audience
- To become associated with other businesses in a location
- To take advantage of a major event happening locally
Sharing this information will help the landlord understand why you want to work with them. It may also help them generate ideas to better help you achieve your goals.
List the products you will be promoting at your pop-up. This could be your full range, a small selection, or a new product you are looking to launch. Use images to highlight the products you will be displayed on your pop-up.
Activity and Services
Highlight any activities you plan on executing at your pop-up. These could range from general marketing such as leafleting and handing out samples to serving food and consultations. You may also decide to run special activities, such as presentations or launches for new products.
In this section, you should also provide a list of the people you will be bringing to undertake all the activities and services you plan. This should include a list of the general staff who will be running the pop-up.
Physical Presence
Your slides will help the landlord understand exactly what your pop-up will look like once it is running in their space. To do this try including mockups and examples of what your pop-up will look like.
You can also include a list of items that you plan on bringing, such as:
- Chairs
- Tables
- Screens
- Banners
- Display stands
- Marketing literature
- Product stock
Although you should have received some information about what the landlord will be able to provide ahead of time, in your presentation you may also decide to include a list of requirements. This list would include an indication of the space you will need as well as the services required to run your pop-up such as electricity, water, and internet.
Benefits to the Landlord
By this stage in your presentation, you should have sold the landlord on yourself, the brand, and your pop-up idea. It’s now time to really drive home the benefits of picking you. Although some of these may seem obvious to you, being explicit can be a good way to ensure the message is clear. These benefits may include:
- Creating a good brand image
- Attracting new customers through the door
- Offering current customers something new and exciting
- Potential of repeat pop up shops in the future
Show Past or Current Successes
If your business has run pop-ups before then it can be a good idea to highlight how successful these have been to your new potential landlord. For example, you may share some statistics on how many customers have visited your past pop-ups or show some content such as videos or images of how it looked and how popular it was.
When you have run pop-ups in large and well-known locations it can be powerful to mention these by name as this lends a sense of credibility to your application.
How to Present Your Concept to a Landlord
Pop-up locations are often high in demand. This is especially true when the location is a popular spot with shoppers such as busy retail areas in Europe's biggest cities. Taking the time to prepare a well-considered slide deck can mean the difference between being able to run a successful pop-up and being rejected.
Use the tips we have highlighted in this guide to make your next concept presentation the best one ever.